Feeling anxious is something most of us experience at some point in our lives. Helen Thorne’s book “Hope in an Anxious World” helpfully dissects the lies that we believe which can result in our sometimes crippling anxiety, and teaches some useful techniques to cope with it. Most importantly, we see how the living God can liberate us from its grip. It is often helpful to discuss insights & challenges, and to pray with one another. We’ll have an opportunity to do that through a series of Book Club meets over Zoom across three Sunday evenings at 8pm:
3rd March - Living in an anxious world (chpt 1-4)
10th March - Hope in the face of anxiety’s lies (chpt 1–3)
17th March - Hope in the face of anxiety’s lies (chpt 4-6)
The book is available through the KCW bookstore at https://uk.10ofthose.com/product/9781784986261/hope-in-an-anxious-world-paperback. A Zoom link will be provided nearer the time to those who wish to join – please email Rubina (talkingchurch@kingschurchwalton.co.uk) to sign up.